วันอังคารที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Exulcerated - Feed Us, Kill Her

Song:Feed Us, Kill Her Band: Exulcerate Album: Remnants Of Cannibalistic Debauchery Lyrics: lyrics by: Aaron M. Finding lifeless bodies... Unscarred, to my liking No fear on their faces... No screams to be heard Transforming cadavers into slop Sickening abnormal cravings Skinning, and dismembering Eviscerate, incinerate Lacerate, and masticate Degrade her decomposed corpse Urinate on her ruptured organs Removing any part of her body With any tool I please Smashing the skull Brain leaks through the cracks I squeeze the eyeballs Just to arouse my curiosity Mutilation....to it's sickest form Genitalia crushed Scrotum swollen with blood fingers ran through the grater flesh flakes fall to the floor Innocent, my sickness is to me Post mortem disfigurement...corpse killer Expressionless faces stare at me While shredding off layers of their flesh Mangling up all internal organs Occupying myself with their death Nauseating fumes fill the air around me Massive piles of removed body parts Nothing left for me to savagely hack Bored with my current piece of art Finding lifeless bodies... Unscarred, to my liking No fear on their faces... No screams to be heard Transforming cadavers into slop Sickening abnormal cravings Skinning, and dismembering Eviscerate, incinerate Lacerate, and masticate Degrade her decomposed corpse Urinate on her ruptured organs Removing any part of her body With any tool I please Innocent, my sickness is to me Post mortem disfigurement...corpse killer www ...


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